We welcome you to a Community of Faith & Love. 

Brainerd Pres, as part of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC), exists to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus as a denomination of Presbyterian, Reformed, Evangelical, and Missional congregations. 

We are located in E. Brainerd on 1624 Jenkins Road.  We want to share our current Sr. Pastor opening opportunity:  select HERE for more info!    

sermon series

Sunday Mornings at BPC

Our Sunday School offerings are from

10 - 10:45 am with adult and youth offerings and classes by age for children.

The Worship Service begins at 11 am in the

Sanctuary and is streamed on Facebook -

facebook.com/brainerdpres.  While we are currently seeking God's leading and His timing for a new Pastor, we are blessed each Sunday by wonderful guest Pastors in our area.  

Rev. Scott Parsons will bless us on February 16th  with a message titled "The Will of God for Your Life" .   We also invite you to our Annual Women's Ministry Chili Lunch after the Service on 2/16 in our Fellowship Hall!  There is no charge for the meal.     We would love to have you join us! 

Please contact the Church Office at 423-899-2424 if you would like more information!   Thank you!  

weekly opportunities

Please join us each Sunday morning at 10 am for Sunday School and 11 am for Worship in the Sanctuary.  
To view our scheduled Order of Worship for 2/16, please click here.
To view a livestream of the Worship Service, visit our Facebook page here.

Wednesday Nights:  
Small group offerings start at 6:15 p.m.    Choir Practice at 7:15 p.m.
We would love to get to know YOU!
Call the Church at 899-2424 for more info!  

los redimidos

Hola somos "Los Redimidos" un grupo de creyentes, multinaciones, enfocados en crecer y conocer mas acerca de Dios y Su amor por cada uno de nosotros. Tambien pertenecemos a un grupo mas grande que su mayoria hable ingles, conocido come le Iglesida Presbiterians de Brainerd (IPB), la cual es parte de Iglesia Presbiteriania Evangelica (IPE)